Friday, September 10, 2010

LCB "On a Whim Trip" snaps so far.

"Sometimes in life, planning is needed and certainly in our case it was." (Gaudi)

With winter knocking on the doorstep and not a sinlge trip abroad for team Lcb this summer.
We formulted a hugely less than adequte plan de jour.

One week, five skaters, an vast amounts of estrella (kindly provided by our dear morrocan friends.) We´ve been logging footage in the hope of strumming up a last minute edit but to tie you over for the minute we thought we would report back with our progress so far. Please refer to the pictures an captions for the finers and do excuse the lack of skateboarding.

The chico´s, Carl Richardson, Pita Buckely, Felipe(tony montana) Dal cin.

Not pictured. Saimon De Oliveira and Bryce Campbell.

This picture is of a retail store cunningly situated next to an erotique museu.

The signs were everywhere. SEXYBIKE!!!

Strange how this club remains empty. (fuck promoters)

Pete´s 21st birthday.
Carl was thinking of his bird.

The bird ate Pete´s spew...................................

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