Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Things are looking a bit like they did when I first met Mark and Pete...various drills and bits of wood lying around, the two of them slightly covered in sawdust-saws in hand. LCB is under construction...but this time it's all out the back, so the shop is still open and I'm hiding the sounds of hammering with loads of fun upbeat music. (currently The Kooks)
Basically, it's a party in here and Mark and Pete seem to be in their element. The objective is to make more retail space for all the cool new stock we got in. (WESC, Gravis, Analog, SPY Optic...and ladies look out for some sassy clothes from Sessun) So far it's looking like the job will be done by the end of week. We might officially be competing with The Laden Showroom in size, and we've got the best coffee on Brick Lane, that's a pretty good combination...but with these boys you have to wonder....what's next???

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